HKUST-Paper Pen
Saft Hong Kong Limited-Crystal Pen With Stylus
Johnson Electric Industrial Manufactory Ltd-Global Crystal Trophy
Bishop Lei Pastoral Centre-Outdoor Folding Backpack
Hang Seng Management College-Bamboo USB Flash Memory
Hong Kong Cricket Association-700ML Sports Bottle
ELCHK-Outdoor Folding Backpack
杰立餐飲股份有限公司-Business Gift Set
中華民國臺中一中校友總會-Magic Stick
VICTORY EIGHT ENT CO,LTD-Portable Mobile Power
SAP- Advertising Pen
浪LIVE-Selfie Stick & Microphone
臺中市沙鹿區沙鹿國民小學-400ML Gattola Paint Mug
花蓮縣玉里鎮協天宮-Basketball Trophy
Beijer Electronics-Tricolor With Stylus Pen
Zenithmedia-Mobile Phone Holder
Taipei Min-Quan Junior High School-Colored Pencils
HCCH-Double Layer Gift Bottle
Tradecom Services Pte Ltd-Travel First Aid Kit
Nando’s Chickenland Singapore Pte Ltd-Recycled Paper Stylus With Ballpoint Pen
Beumer Group Singapore Pte Ltd-4 in 1 Charging Cable
SATS Ltd.-Luggage Strap with Weighing Scale and Password
Illumina Singapore Pte. Ltd.-Lunch Box